Not every mold remediator has the knowledge, experience, and equipment necessary to properly remove the microorganism. Last year, Florida’s Senate addressed the growing need to certify Florida mold remediators by passing Bill 2234. This bill mandates all Florida mold remediators pass certification exams before conducting mold removal. In addition, the bill also forbids the same company from performing the “testing or assessment” and the “remediation” in an effort to further protect you, the consumer.
Craig M. Kobza, owner of The Aerial Companies, Inc., is one of a small specialized group of professionals who has obtained certification to conduct mold remediation in the State of Florida. In the past decade, The Aerial Companies, Inc., has participated in over 40 highly technical and extensive mold remediation projects. The specialists at Aerial have the expertise to handle any mold remediation project, no matter how severe the damage.
The Aerial Companies, Inc. provides restoration services for historic and contemporary buildings, commercial establishments, and luxury estate homes across all of Florida, including areas around Sarasota, Naples, Boynton Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, West Palm Beach, Tallahassee, and Daytona Beach.